Sunday, November 24, 2019

Flight Feathers - The Flight Feathers of Birds

Flight Feathers - The Flight Feathers of Birds Feathers are a unique characteristic of birds and are a key requirement for flight. Feathers are arranged in a precise pattern over the wing. When the bird takes to the air, its wing feathers spread to create an aerodynamic surface. When the bird lands, feathers are flexible enough in their arrangement to enable the wing to fold neatly against the birds body without bending or damaging the flight feathers. Flight Feathers The following feathers make up the typical birds wing: Primaries: Elongated flight feathers that grow out from the end of the wings (the hand area of the wing). Birds typically have 9-10 primaries.Secondaries: Long flight feathers positioned just behind the primaries and grow out from the forearm area of the wing. Many birds have six secondary feathers.Tertials: Three flight feathers that are closest to the birds body along the wing, located next to the secondaries.Remiges: A term used to refer to primaries, secondaries, and tertials together.Greater primary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the primaries.Greater secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the secondaries.Median secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the greater secondary coverts.Lesser secondary coverts: Feathers that overlap the base of the median secondary coverts.Alula: The feathers that grow from the thumb area of the wing on the leading edge of the wing.Primary projection: The section of the primaries that, when the wing is folded, p roject beyond the tips of the tertials and sit at an angle towards the tail. Underwing coverts: Located on the underside of the wing, underwing coverts create a lining at the base of the flight feathers.Auxiliaries: Also located on the underside of the wing, the auxiliaries cover the armpit area of the birds wing, smoothing the area where the wing meets the body. Reference Sibley, D.A. 2002. Sibleys Birding Basics. New York: Alfred A. Knopf

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Latin Christian and Russian Orthodox Traditions Term Paper

Latin Christian and Russian Orthodox Traditions - Term Paper Example Rivalry between the Roman popes and the patriarchs of Constantinople for leadership in the Christian world initiated the split of the Christian Church.  Ã‚  The Latin Christian church was formed finally in 1054. Historically, Orthodoxy presents the eastern branch of Christianity.  It is distributed mainly in Eastern Europe, Middle East and the Balkans.  First, the name "Orthodox" (from Greek) appeared in II century.  Ã‚  The Orthodox Christianity did not have a single church center. Ecclesiastical power was concentrated in the hands of four patriarchs.  With the collapse of the Byzantine Empire, each of the patriarchs headed an independent (autocephalous) Orthodox Church. Prince of Kiev, Vladimir Svyatoslavovych, established Orthodoxy as a state religion in Russia.  On his orders, Byzantine clergy baptized people in the capital of Ancient Russia, Kiev, in 988. Both Christian communities accept the basic Christian doctrine and sacramental. Religious life includes magnifice nt church services, the worship of many saints and holy relics.  The confession of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the worship of Christ, the Savior, who suffered, died, resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven is the gospel truth for any believer of the Christian communities. It is the same regarding the acceptance of the doctrines, such as: Mary is the Mother of God  as Christ is God incarnate; the Bible is the inspired word of God; the Holy Spirit dwells in the Church and guides it through the ages; Mary, being Mother of God, is the greatest of the saints. Both Churches profess seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation/ Chrismation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick. Nevertheless, along with similarities, there are some differences in the main creeds, cults, and organization of the Latin and the Orthodox Christian Churches. The most significant differences are that the Latin Christians  accept the Bishop of Rome as the spiritual leader of the Church, while the  Orthodox  look to the Patriarch of Constantinople, but only as "First Among Equals" rather than as a pope. The Latin Church  holds that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both Father and Son whilst  Orthodoxy teaches that the Spirit proceeds only from the Father.  Latin Christians  state that Mary was full of grace (sinless) from conception whilst  Orthodox Church  would tend to say that she entered this state only after accepting God's wish that she become Theotokos (Mother of God). Latin Christianity  tends to be prescriptive whilst  Orthodoxy  is mystical, however, both believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Married men may be ordained as  Orthodox priests (but not bishops) whilst in  Latin Christianity  only single men may be ordained. The style of worship in Orthodoxy is more elaborate. Regardless of the existing theological and non-theological differences, both Christian confessions consider sacramental rituals, the cult of saints, icons and relics a priority. Moreover, the concept of  saints  is common to all branches of Christianity. The Apostle's Creed affirmed by all Christian denominations, states belief in the "communion of saints." In Christian doctrine, the term "saints" refers to all deceased persons who are now in heaven. Saints are special group of holy people, who are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Performance - Essay Example One of the many personality traits that gauge the suitability of job applicants is the integrity test, which is given to thousands of prospective job seekers with more than 40% of companies in Fortune 100 list indicating to have applied personality tests in gauging the suitability of workers including the CEOs. Moreover, Judge & Lepine noted a close correlation between the big five traits, which are referred to as bright traits considering that each trait resulted in some positive implications and that there was direct evidence linking the traits to social desirability.3 For instance, Judge & Lepine explained that individuals with stable emotions tend to be happier and are usually good job performers than those with unstable emotions.4 Moreover, extroverts tend to have better relationship qualities and higher subjective-wellbeing characteristics. Extroverts are in some cases better communicators, an aspect that is desirable in the workplace where teamwork and collaboration are vital for improved performance. Therefore, considerations for such personality traits draw managers to develop some bias towards individuals with the required traits commensurate with the job at hand. However, Neal et al. reported negative relations between extroverts and personal proficiency in the workplace.5 However, Neal et al. observed that openness had a positive relation to the proactivity of an individual as well as to organizational proactivity. Moreover, the study indicated that the conscience of the individual employee had a strong relation to the individual performance of a task. In other words, the research revealed that people whose conscious state is tuned towards achieving a certain task may perform better than those who are not, while the openness of the individual had bearings on the proactivity of such an individual.

Monday, November 18, 2019

OI wk 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OI wk 5 - Essay Example The company also targets schools and universities as a market for their products. Despite being a leader in soft drinks industry, the PepsiCo Company has been faced by stiff competition from other firms such as the Coca Cola Company. This has made it necessary for PepsiCo to adopt innovative strategies to ensure that their products continue to reach the desired market. This stems from the realization that it is important for the company to come up with innovative ways to reach the target market in a highly competitive market. The success of PepsiCo can be attributed to their ability to target new markets. PepsiCo has been known for its niche marketing. Market niche innovation refers to the ability of the company to open up new markets using the existing technology (Von Stamm, 2003). In earlier years the company targeted the black community as a market for their products. The company also targeted different communities and came up with strategies to reach this target markets. As a result of their innovative marketing, PepsiCo was able to raise sales in the targeted communities. At present the company continues to come up with more innovative ways to reach the desired market. These include a redesigning of the Pepsi cans to have a design that included more than 30 different backgrounds for each can. This is an example of the innovation that is carried out by PepsiCo to help in achieving growth and success. The PepsiCo Company is driven by the market share in reaching it niche market. This has made it easier for the Company to identify the proper channels of distributions for their products. To enable the Company to attain a larger market share, the company has developed distribution channels that allow it to reach its entire target market. The company has also expanded the distribution channels through globalization. In addition, the PepsiCo Company has reached to a wider market through the use of proper and targeted promotions. The company has also been able to

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Federal Government And The Three Strikes Law Criminology Essay

The Federal Government And The Three Strikes Law Criminology Essay Between 1993 and 1995, 26 states and the federal government passed the Three Strikes Law. Under this law, a person who is convicted of three felonies is given a mandatory 25-to-life sentence. A felony is defined as any crime punishable by 1 year or more in prison (Messerli, 2006). This law was passed in reaction to the murder of 12 year old, Polly Klass. She was kidnapped and murdered by a paroled repeat offender. Unlike the federal laws, the three-strikes laws vary by quite a bit from state to state. However, under all federal and state three-strikes law if someone is convicted of a crime three times, there is no judiciary discretion in sentencing these repeat offenders (Unknown). This means that in all cases the offender must go to jail for 25 years to life if convicted of three felonies, no matter the seriousness crime. Under the statute, a serious violent felony includes murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, kidnapping, robbery, and any offense punishable by 10 years or more which includes as an element the use of force or that, by its nature, involves a significant risk of force. The statute also enumerates certain non-qualifying felonies, including unarmed robbery offenses and arsons that posed no threat to human life (Unknown). The purpose of the three-strikes law is to put criminals out of society to keep them from committing future crimes (Roy, 2010). Pros and Cons While researching this topic I have found multiple pros and cons of the three strikes law. Some of the pros that were mentioned include: repeat offenders will stay in prison; can deter offenders who have had two felony convictions from committing another crime; and it only applies to convictions. The first pro of the Three Strikes law is that repeat offenders will stay in prison for at least 25 years after their third conviction. If criminals choose to continue to break the law then will have to pay for their crimes. These criminals will not have a fourth chance to break the law. The Three Strikes law is a way to ensure justice and to stop criminals from committing more crimes. According to Adam Gelb, director of the Pew Centers Public Safety Performance Project (2008), There is no question that putting violent and chronic offenders behind bars lowers the crime rate and provides punishment that is well deserved. The second pro of the Three Strikes law is that it might deter offenders who have been convicted two felonies from committing a third crime. This law is known by all, especially by criminals. Criminals will know the punishment before they decide to commit crimes. The hope is that this will discourage criminals from committing any crimes major and minor, from armed robbery and rape to burglary. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 43 percent of felony probationer and 62 percent of the parolees will be rearrested within three years after beginning supervision (Unknown, 2010). The third pro of the Three Strikes law is that it applies only to convictions. This law does not apply to arrests of a person is found not guilty. However, three convictions will send criminals to prison for 25 years to life. Chances are that these criminals have committed more than three crimes, but for whatever reason they were never convicted. There are also multiple arguments against the Three Strikes law. Some of the cons that were mentioned include: a one-size-fits all form of justice; it can be considered unjust depending on the particular crime; and it arguably violates the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (Kitchen, 2009). The first con of the Three Strikes law is that some see this as a one size fits all form of justice (Kitchen, 2009). Some believe that this law destroys the flexibility of the courts and the judge. It is no longer up to the judge to decide if the offender can be rehabilitated. Under the Three Strikes law, the offender will automatically go to prison after the third conviction. Criminal rehabilitation has many positive benefits and can impact the lives of many inmates as well as their families (Wright, 2007). The second con of the Three Strikes law is that it can be considered unjust depending on the particular crime. In some cases the third conviction may not be a violent crime but if they are convicted of a third felony they would receive the same 25 years to life sentence as if the crime were a violent act. Some believe that this punishment does not fit the crime. If a newly convicted criminal has a record of two prior felony (serious crime) convictions, the judge had to impose the maximum sentence for the third crime (Driscoll, 2003). The third con of the Three Strikes law is that it arguably violates the Eighth Amendment. The Eight Amendment prohibits the use of Cruel and unjust punishment by the state. Many argue that certain clients prosecutions violate this amendment. According to N.C. Aizenman at the Washington Post (2008), when it comes to preventing repeat offenses by nonviolent criminals- who make up about half of the incarcerated population- alternative punishments such as community supervision and mandatory drug counseling that are far less expensive may prove just as or more effective than jail time. The fourth and final con of the Three Strikes Law is the expense. Prisons are already overcrowded and some argue that there is not enough room to house additional inmates. Prison is expensive. There are also trial and court fees that many times must be covered by the state and its taxpayers. It cost as average of $23,876 to imprison someone in 2005 (Aizenman, 2008). This includes costs for food, shelter, prison staff and many other items. Student Position In my opinion, this is a great program and the pros far outweigh the cons. People should refrain from breaking the law if they do not want to spend the next 25 years of their life if prison. There are many arguments that the Three Strikes law does not have any effect on the crime rate. However, most crimes are committed by previous felons. Without this law I believe that these criminals will continue to break the law until they are stopped. This law may be the only thing that will stop them. How many people need to get hurt before we have the right to put these criminals in prison where they belong? Conclusion According to Mike Reynolds (2006) Californias total crime rate in 1993, the year prior to adoption of Three Strikes, was fourth highest among all states. By 1999, Californias total crime rate dropped to 29th among the states. During the same period, Californias homicide rate dropped from fourth highest to 19th among the states. These statistics clearly suggest that Californias falling crime rate was not just part of a national trend, or a result of demographics or economic factors as opponents have suggested. 041106CACrimeRate

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Baddeley and Hitch’s Working Memory Model Essay -- Neurology Memory

This essay addresses the working memory model which was proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974 in Smith & Kosslyn, 2007) as a response to Atkinson and Shiffrins (1968 in Smith, 2007) multi-store model. According to Baddely and Hitch the multi-store model failed to explain most of the complexities of the human memory and viewed it as being too simplistic. They argued that the short term memory store must have more components rather it being a single inflexible store as suggested previously by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). The working memory model is therefore an enhancement of the multi store model. According to Baddeley and Hitch working memory is a limited- capacity system that stores and processes information. According to Baddeley and Hitch (1974) what constitutes as working memory can be divided into four distinct components which contribute to the processes of memory. They are the phonological loop, the visual spatial sketchpad, the episodic buffer and the central executive (in Passer, Smith, Holt, Bremner, Vliek, 2009). The primary role of the phonological loop is to store mental representations of auditory information (in Passer, 2009). It has limited capacity and holds information in a speech based form. It is further subdivided into two more components; the articulatory rehearsal system which has a limited capacity of 2 seconds and rehearses information verbally and is linked to speech production and the phonological store which temporarily holds speech based information (in Smith, 2007) Evidence for the existence of the phonological loop comes from Baddeley (1966 in Passer, 2009) They examined the word length effect in which they presented participants with visual presentations of word lists and asked them to write t... ...however issues such as reliability, validity and bias occur when studying brain damaged patients therefore is not always a valid way of studying working memory (in Smith, 2007). In conclusion, Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed the working memory in response to the multi store model and introduced four mechanisms involved; the phonological loop, visual-spaital sketchpad, episodic buffer and the central executive. The four components are also largely supported by a good wealth of evidence (in Smith, 2007). References Parkin, A. J., (1993). Memory Phenomena , experiment and theory. Blackwell. USA. Passer, M., Smith, R., Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., & Vliek, M. (2009). Psychology; Science of Mind and Behaviour. (European Edition). New York. Smith, E.E., and Kosslyn, S.M. (2007). Cognitive Psychology, Mind and Brain. Massachusetts, US:Pearson Baddeley and Hitch’s Working Memory Model Essay -- Neurology Memory This essay addresses the working memory model which was proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974 in Smith & Kosslyn, 2007) as a response to Atkinson and Shiffrins (1968 in Smith, 2007) multi-store model. According to Baddely and Hitch the multi-store model failed to explain most of the complexities of the human memory and viewed it as being too simplistic. They argued that the short term memory store must have more components rather it being a single inflexible store as suggested previously by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). The working memory model is therefore an enhancement of the multi store model. According to Baddeley and Hitch working memory is a limited- capacity system that stores and processes information. According to Baddeley and Hitch (1974) what constitutes as working memory can be divided into four distinct components which contribute to the processes of memory. They are the phonological loop, the visual spatial sketchpad, the episodic buffer and the central executive (in Passer, Smith, Holt, Bremner, Vliek, 2009). The primary role of the phonological loop is to store mental representations of auditory information (in Passer, 2009). It has limited capacity and holds information in a speech based form. It is further subdivided into two more components; the articulatory rehearsal system which has a limited capacity of 2 seconds and rehearses information verbally and is linked to speech production and the phonological store which temporarily holds speech based information (in Smith, 2007) Evidence for the existence of the phonological loop comes from Baddeley (1966 in Passer, 2009) They examined the word length effect in which they presented participants with visual presentations of word lists and asked them to write t... ...however issues such as reliability, validity and bias occur when studying brain damaged patients therefore is not always a valid way of studying working memory (in Smith, 2007). In conclusion, Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed the working memory in response to the multi store model and introduced four mechanisms involved; the phonological loop, visual-spaital sketchpad, episodic buffer and the central executive. The four components are also largely supported by a good wealth of evidence (in Smith, 2007). References Parkin, A. J., (1993). Memory Phenomena , experiment and theory. Blackwell. USA. Passer, M., Smith, R., Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., & Vliek, M. (2009). Psychology; Science of Mind and Behaviour. (European Edition). New York. Smith, E.E., and Kosslyn, S.M. (2007). Cognitive Psychology, Mind and Brain. Massachusetts, US:Pearson